Monday, November 30, 2009

English Roman Catholic Church in Den Haag

For those who are new or even old to Netherlands and has been looking for an english church particularyly in Den Haag area, the Church of Our Saviour is the English Speaking International Roman Catholic Church of Den Haag. It is located in Bezuidenhoutseweg 157 nearby central station so its not really a problem for those who are taking public transpostation. It's a very nice community/parish which you can also observe many Filipino attending the mass which gives me warm feelings seeing my "kababayan".  So I hope this information will help you...See you then.


Malu Silverman said...

It's always heartwarming to see kababayans in another country, much more so if they are friendly.
Filipinos have gone 'global'. Hope that these experiences would help those who have not gone out of the country, esp. those who benefit from the OFW's hard-earned money. Hope they be frugal and really take care of the money entrusted to them.

Sihsi said...

....and i hope they will always remember the hard worked to earn that money...